The book of Acts recounts the church’s ability to function together as well as the struggles and successes of when a church body decides to go and fulfill the Great Commission. While their going took some prodding from the Holy Spirit, they became active agents for the mission of heaven. Acts of the Apostles reminds us that “one common interest controlled them—the success of the mission entrusted to them…”(pg. 70).
Our mission in life defines us. As Christians, we exist because God called his church to go. To grow in Jesus, and for His kingdom to grow, one common interest must define us—the mission that God has entrusted to us within our territory. Potomac “exists to grow healthy, disciple-making churches.” With this as our mission statement and goal, all ministry and action taken in our office, churches and schools work to push that mission forward. This mission gives purpose and unity.
How is the Potomac Conference doing with the mission we have been challenged with? How is your congregation responding to the call? Does one common interest control you as it did in Acts?
These video reports show how His mission is being fulfilled in Potomac. They include updates from our administration, pastoral ministries, youth, education and treasury teams. These reports are meant to inform and inspire as we move forward in mission together. What better mission is there than working together to bring souls to the kingdom and glory to the Most High?